The Andorran Government is urged to help refugees look for jobs

The Government of Andorra is going to contact companies in order to guarantee access to the labor market of Andorra (Pyrenees) twenty refugees who will arrive in September. This is one of the demands that the group will present to the Executive in a meeting that will be held soon. At the meeting, the members of the platform “Obrim-les, Obrim-los” will take advantage to request information on other aspects that are not «quite clear» on the Law of temporary and transitory protection for humanitarian reasons. Two years after the Government announced its willingness to host refugees, the law was approved on March 22.

Emma Riba, one of the promoters of the platform, believes that the measures of the protocol of reception standards must be implemented «quickly». «We must examine in greater detail the inclusion plan both in the workplace and in education, because it is not clear what plan the Government has in order to guarantee these rights for refugees, » said Emma Riba. She also worries about newly arrived children.

Another unknown element of the law is that of residence permits. «The law is for two years and will allow the person who has a job to stay. But how? If the labour inclusion is not clear, how can it be guaranteed that they will be entitled to have residency? «, questions Emma Riba.

One of the things than applauds of the law that regulates the arrival of the refugees is the creation of the figure of the accompanying. «It’s a very good way to integrate the refugees in society» says Emma Riba.

“Obrim-les, Obrim-los” is in the process of becoming an association and it understands that to take in these newcomers there must be the support of other non-profit entities. “We have to reach out to government and to other associations, especially because we are entities that do not have enough resources to guarantee housing, but if we unite we will”, – said Jordi Llansó, general director of the Andorran Red Cross.

See also Andorra residence

See also Andorra business guide

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