For people with coronavirus, Andorra (Pyrenees)

· Do not leave the house or receive visitors.

· Use home delivery for foods and medicines

· Use a separate room and ventilate it well each day.

· Keep the door shut.

· If the sick person has to leave the room they must use an ordinary surgical mask and keep a social distance of 2 metres – 6 feet.

· Have a separate telephone to communicate with health workers if necessary.

· Clean the room with bleach (100ml of bleach for every 900ml of water).

· If possible reserve one lavatory exclusively for the sick person.

· Use a pedal bin lined with a bin bag for the patient’s rubbish.

· Put clothes and bed linen for washing in a bin bag and then empty into the machine and wash at 60º or 90º.

· Wash your hands with soap and hot water for at least 40 – 60 seconds or, occasionally with alcohol gel.

· Wash cutlery at high temperature preferably in a dish washer.

· RING 116 if you have a temperature over 38º or breathing difficulties

For the rest of the household

· Avoid contact with the person with symptoms.

· Make sure only ONE person cares for the sick.

· Use gloves and mask each time you are in contact with the patient and then throw them away.

· Frequently disinfect with 60%+ alcohol the taps, light switches and door handles especially if the sick person has to use communal spaces.

Take care of your own health and wellbeing.

· Rest as much as necessary until you feel better

· Drink lots of water.

· If necessary use antiemetics to cut nausea or approved medicines.

· Keep in contact with friends and family by telephone or online.

· Take up a pastime to distract you from the present situation.

· Take frequent exercise indoors.

MESSAGE FROM SAAS. Help Us. Respect your isolation. Going out could mean new contagion. If you need social help, ring the social services, government assistance or the Red Cross.

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