The secretary of the International Club John Pinnell speaks about the project of the public defibrillator towers installations in La Massana, Andorra (Pyrenees):
“The Andorran Red Cross has been trying to raise money to install defibrillator towers in key public spaces in the parishes of Andorra.
Their initial plan was for seven – one for each parish, but with no funding available the reduced the initial target to three, for the two central parishes of Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany and for the parish of La Massana, where the Consol Major (mayor) had already expressed an interest in having one installed.
The International Club of Andorra found out about this project and agreed to dedicate all the funds it raised in its summer event at Pal ski station, “Fun@Pal”, to this cause. On Sunday September 11, the sun shone and lots of people came to “Fun@Pal” to have fun and buy food and drink. A total of €5,000 was raised on the day and members made individual donations for this project of another €3,000 – enough to enable the Club to present a cheque for €8,000 to the Andorran Red Cross to fund two of the three defibrillator towers.
At the same time the Board of the Club agreed to dedicate another €4,000 from the proceeds of the annual Fira Benèfica to be held on November 27 in La Massana to fund the third defibrillator tower.
On November 14 the Consol Major of La Massana, the President of the Andorran Red Cross and the President of the International Club will dedicate the first public defibrillator tower to be installed in Andorra in Plaça de les Fontetes in ten centre of La Massana”.
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