Symbols of the Cold War. Abandoned Radio Liberty Station, Pals, Catalonia

Наследие "холодной" войны. Заброшенная станция Радио Свобода, Пальс, Каталония

Symbols of the Cold War. Abandoned Radio Liberty Station in Pals, Catalonia, Spain

Radio Liberty was formed by American Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Amcomlib) in 1951. Originally named Radio Liberation, the station was renamed in 1959 after a policy statement emphasizing “liberalization” rather than “liberation”.

Radio Liberty began broadcasting from Lampertheim on March 1, 1953, gaining a substantial audience when it covered the death of Joseph Stalin four days later. In order to better service a greater geographic area, RFE supplemented its shortwave transmissions from Lampertheim with broadcasts from a transmitter base at Glória in 1951. It also had a base at Oberwiesenfeld Airport on the outskirts of Munich, employing several former Nazi agents who had been involved in the Ostministerium under Gerhard von Mende during World War II.

In 1955 Radio Liberty began airing programs to Russia’s eastern provinces from shortwave transmitters located on Taiwan, while in 1959 Radio Liberty commenced broadcasts from a base at Platja de Pals, Spain.

Photos: Joan Mañé


Символы "холодной" войны. Заброшенная станция Радио Свобода, Пальс, Каталония.

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