The State Drama Theater “On Liteyny” is the State Drama Theater of the Leningrad Region of the Russian Federation, located on Liteyny Prospekt in the city of St. Petersburg.
In 1909, on the site of the old arena of Count Sheremetev, the Foundry Theater began its work, the repertoire of which consisted of plays by the Theater of Horrors (Grand Guignol), farces, satires, and parodies. The theater is located in the very center of the former city estate of the Sheremetevs – the Fountain House.
Theater performances have repeatedly participated in many theater festivals all over the world: Olsztyn Theater Meetings (Poland, 2000, 2001), Russian Seasons (Finland, 2003), Divadlo International Festival (Czech Republic, 2003), Seoul Performing Arts Festival ( South Korea, 2003), SETT (Germany, 2004), XIII Russian Arts Festival in Marseille (France, 2008), International Youth Theater Forum “” in Mogilev (Belarus) (2013, 2015) International Theater festival “Tale in Tallinn” (Estonia, 2017) and many others.
Ticket office: Mon 11:00–19:00, break 14:00–15:00; Tue-Sun 11:00–21:00, break 14:00–15:00
Address: Liteiny Avenue, 51, St. Petersburg. Nearest metro: Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Vladimirskaya