The Hermitage of Nuestra Señora Virgen de Gracia

The sanctuary, also called hermitage of Nuestra Señora Virgen de Gracia in Oliva de la Frontera (Badajoz Province, Extremadura, Spain) is a construction that has a superb Baroque tower comparable to those of Jerez de los Caballeros.

The work, built in the 15th century, perhaps on a previous Visigothic basilica, was remodeled in the 18th and 19th centuries. Its current appearance dates from the practically total reconstruction carried out at the beginning of this century according to a project by Rafael Béjar Mendoza.

It has a body of three naves with a triple head and a dressing room with rich baroque stucco decoration and popular paintings. The exterior preserves the Gothic façade of the feet, the only vestige of the primitive building, crowned by the coat of arms of the Suárez de Figueroa family. Above the front atrium, and as an independent work, stands the beautiful Baroque tower completed in 1772.

How to get to?

From Badajoz 1 hr 14 min (90.4 km) via EX-107 and EX-112

From Olivenza 48 min (65.1 km) via EX-107 and EX-112

From Merida 1 hr 28 min (124 km) via A-5 and N-435

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