Andorra Telecom and WISeKey came to partnership agreement in the field of cloud services with high security during negotiation at World Economic Forum in Davos


Andorra Telecom and WISeKey came to partnership agreement in the field of cloud services with high security.

Andorra Telecom, Andorra (Pyrenees), which holds a monopoly on telecommunication market in Andorra, and WISeID, one of the most rapidly developing international companies in the field of information security, signed a collaboration agreement in the field of cloud services creation.  Both companies came to this decision regarding the results of World Economic Forum in Davos that took place on January 21-24, 2015. This agreement provides creation of a platform with high cybersecurity degree. The target audience – clients who work with financial information or other valuable information that require maximum protection.

At World Economic Forum in Davos WISeKey was recognized as one of the most rapidly developing global companies. It has high experience in working with confidential information; in particular, during few years, the company’s operating capacity guaranty protection for those (individuals and corporations) who make financial transactions on-line via the Internet.

All customers’ information is stored at WISeID cloud servers. It allows company’s clients not only to secure, but also to synchronize personal data and passwords through mobile devices.

Andorra Telecom is a state-owned company. It has the most secure communications network in the world, according to P1SEC.

“Collaboration between both companies in the field of cloud services creation is based on development of special version of WISeID that will allow Andorra Telecom to enhance data storage security level”, stated the co-founder and CEO of WISeID Carlos Moreira. WISeID app is free. Customer has to pay for the service based on amount of use. It is also important that digital signature, which is used by WISeID, approved de-jure all over the world.

“We are proud of this strategic partnership. It will enable range of products diversification that we offer to our clients. Common products will provide cybersecurity by guarantying absolute data confidentiality”, said Jordi  Nadal, the CEO of Andorra Telecom.

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