Rue de la Chapelle is a street in the 18th arrondissement of Paris (France).

890 meters long, oriented north-south, it begins at 2, rue Ordener and ends at 29, boulevard Ney.

The district is served by Paris metro line 12, at the Marx Dormoy and Porte de la Chapelle stations, as well as by lines 35, 38, 60, 153, 252, 302 and 350 of the RATP bus network and N43 and N143 of the Noctilien.

Main attractions

No. 2, to the crossroads at No. 2, rue Ordener: location of a large property acquired on May 8, 1771 by Jean-Louis De Bucourt, who died there in 1801. His son, the painter Philibert -Louis Debucourt (born in 1755) lived there with his second wife from 1803 to 1823.

No. 14: under the Revolution, from 1790, the town hall of the commune of La Chapelle was located at this level.

No. 16: Saint-Denys de la Chapelle church.

No. 16: Basilica of Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc in Paris.

No. 31: Nusch-Éluard garden and impasse de la Chapelle.

No. 93: La Sablière tower.

No 94: Jean Anouilh spent part of his childhood there from 1918.

No. 100: Super Chapelle tower.

No. 165: location of the Chapelle-Saint-Denis station, on the Petite Ceinture line.

See more:

20 arrondissements of Paris

Architecture of Paris

Museums of Paris

Entertainment in Paris

Bridges in Paris

Parks in Paris

Streets and squares in Paris

Shopping in Paris

Transport in Paris

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