Rue Claude-Bernard is a road located mainly in the Val-de-Grâce district of the 5th arrondissement of Paris  (France).

575 meters long, it begins at 2, avenue des Gobelins and 4, rue de Bazeilles and ends at 1, rue des Feuillantines and place Pierre-Lampué.

The district is served by Paris metro line (M) (7) at Censier – Daubenton station, as well as by RATP bus lines 21 24 27.

Main sights

No. 16: historic building of the National Agronomic Institute, now AgroParisTech, until 2021.

No 21 bis: headquarters of the daily newspaper Le Monde, between 1996 and 2004.

No 47: the poet Eugène Guillevic lived there until his death in 1997.

No. 49: the painter Paul Schmitt lived there and died there in 1902.

No. 51: here lived in the 1880s the painter Georges Moreau de Tours (1848-1901), and his wife and student, Thérèse de Champ-Renaud (1861-1921).

No. 61: Robert Lespieau lived there.

No. 63: the mathematician Henri Poincaré lived there from 1887 until his death in 1912.

No 71: the industrialist Charles Gervais (1826-1893) died there.

No. 73: former collotype printing press by Ernest Le Deley (around 1900).

No. 75: former headquarters of the Eugène Ducretet establishments.

No. 88: the physicist Éliane Montel lived there, from the 1930s until her death in 1993, first with Paul Langevin, who died in 1946, then with their son, the musicologist Paul-Gilbert Langevin, who lived there French company Anton-Bruckner.

See more:

20 arrondissements of Paris

Architecture of Paris

Museums of Paris

Entertainment in Paris

Bridges in Paris

Parks in Paris

Streets and squares in Paris

Shopping in Paris

Transport in Paris

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