How to choose a really high-quality product?
All buyers want is to buy safe, fresh and high-quality products. However, often the financial interests of stores and supermarkets are no so concerned about the health of consumers. But how do you choose a really high-quality product? You will learn about this in this post.
1) Do not buy products in convenient individual packages. It should be clarified that this advice applies to those products that the store packs itself, in the gastronomy department. These products include cold cuts, cheese, vegetables, pickles, fruit, etc. In such products, it is worthwhile to limit yourself, since there is a high probability that the shelf life of such food will expire or has already expired. The date on the package will not say anything, as the store owners can change it daily or even several times a day. In such cases, ask the sellers to cut the product for you or buy the same product in the original packaging.
2) Be attentive in the gastronomy department. When buying ready-made salads, pay attention to the presence of a large amount of garlic, spices or fresh herbs. This is added in order to remove the unpleasant smell that appears when the salad has expired. Remember that meat and fish salads spoil faster. Choose salads without dressing, or those that are filled with butter, not mayonnaise – such salads are good for up to 2 days.
3) Check the integrity of the packaging. Any external deformation of the package may indicate improper storage, improper transportation and even an expired shelf life.
4) Carefully inspect all products, especially fresh ones. Sellers know how to present their goods. To improve the appearance of meat, sausage and cheese, the fridges where the food lies are brightly illuminated, which gives the products a visual appeal. To make sure the quality of the product is good, ask the seller to show you the product outside the storefront.
5) Do not buy bright products. We tend to associate bright colors with lots of taste. But it is not the case. Products grown under normal conditions have slight imperfections. Only those products that are stuffed with chemicals and additives have a perfect appearance. This applies to both fruit and meat and fish products.
6) When choosing a product – carefully look around. The product you need is far. The fact is that sellers always expose not only those goods whose shelf life is coming to an end, but also goods that are more expensive, in a prominent place. If you want to buy something cheaper and better – then look for it on the top or bottom shelf.
7) Understand what the labels are really saying. If you see products with the names “Buttermilly”, then beware of such products. Such labels do not speak about the “literary talent of the manufacturer, but about the fact that the ingredients of such products are not real, which means the manufacturer simply has no right to name the product as it should be.
8) Try to buy local products. Especially if it is a perishable product (milk, fruit, etc.). It is possible that there were violations during transportation and shelf life, and all this will necessarily affect the taste of the product.
9) Consult the seller for advice. The fact is that employees are obliged to follow the instructions of top management, however, few people would dare to lie directly in the face. If the seller starts to play up, then, most likely, you will see it.
When buying products, you must be extremely careful, because their quality can affect not only your health, but also the health of your friends and relatives. Be careful, pay attention to the little things and use the above tips.
Eat right!