Black Peugeot 172 Quadrilette from 1924 with four cylinders (667 cc). Max. speed: 60 km/h

Peugeot Quadrilette is the popular name for the Peugeot Type 161 and Peugeot Type 172 and associated models produced between 1921 and 1924.

Type 172

Modifications to the Quadrilette in 1923 resulted in the Type 172. launched during the course of 1924. The track was widened so that the two seats could be placed abreast, improving comfort and space. Though the wheelbase was shortened, luggage room was more plentiful because there were no longer two rows of seats. The engine remained the same and weight was kept low. Upgraded versions of the Type 172, such as the Type 172 BC and Type 172 BS also known as the Quadrilette Grand Sport, launched during the course of 1924, had an enlarged 720 cc side-valve engine with slightly more power.

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