Tanks and fighting vehicles with Andrew Pantele / Transport and equipment 03.11.2023 BRDM-2: Soviet combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle
Tanks and fighting vehicles with Andrew Pantele / Transport and equipment 27.09.2022 BTR-50PU (object 750K) – command-staff version
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Tanks and fighting vehicles with Andrew Pantele 20.06.2021 2S9 Nona-S: Soviet air-droppable self-propelled mortar
Helicopters with Martin Anderson / Transport and equipment 18.12.2019 Drone ORKA – VSR700 reconnaissance helicopter
Tractors and special equipment with Boris Willson / Transport and equipment 05.12.2019 The screw-propelled ZiL 2906
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Tanks and fighting vehicles with Andrew Pantele 06.11.2019 2S1 Gvozdika: Soviet self-propelled armored howitzer
Tanks and fighting vehicles with Andrew Pantele / Transport and equipment 27.09.2019 BTR-70 from Vadim Zadorozhny’s Museum of Equipment
Tractors and special equipment with Boris Willson / Transport and equipment 20.09.2019 Volkswagen Kfz.1/20 K2s Schwimmwagen (Germany)
Tractors and special equipment with Boris Willson / Transport and equipment 17.08.2019 Amphibious Poncin VP 2000