Ivan Victorovich Stepanyan – Doctor of Biological Sciences (ScD), Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Leading Researcher of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after A.A. Blagonravov of RAS, Senior Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Musical Creativity of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.
Author of specialized musical instruments and the owner of the «Pentagramon» trademark to perform pentagram (“genetic”) music. Creator of specialized musical instruments. Pentragram music details are available here.
Author of more than 150 scientific papers, a number of monographs and patents for inventions, a member of the editorial board and a regular contributor to the “Neurocomputers: development and application” journal.
Laureate of the first prize of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of the All-Russian competition to find scientific, innovative, production groups or teams capable of effectively implementing advanced projects for research work titled “Creating a prototype of a neural-like intellectual system to improve the control quality in robotic systems”.
Areas of his scientific activity: biomechanics, biomathematics, psychoacoustics, medicine and psychophysiology of mental labor, artificial intelligence, scientific visualization, scientific art.
He proposed the method for analyzing and visualizing genetic sequences of biological organisms’, on the basis of which he discovered previously unknown patterns of molecular genetic systems and found their connections with matrix mathematics, hypercomplex systems, tensor analysis and special functions.
He developed a geometric interpretation of the generalized Pythagorean algorithm in the polar coordinate system, as well as a method of algebraic structural symmetries for artificial intelligence and molecular genetics.
He developed an original method of encoding, decoding and neural network information processing.
He proposed the idea of building a “semantic brain” and implemented its software based on the works of V.I. Lenin, N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, Old and New Testament texts, and other sources.
Participated in the examination of the ISO/TC-43 (Acoustics)/WG-9 “Methods for Calculating Loudness” International Standard draft, which is the revision of the ISO 532 Standard.
Ivan Stepanyan participated in the development of standards on the legal and methodological foundations of occupational risk management at the Institute of Occupational Medicine, where in the year of 2012 he defended his doctoral thesis.
See here blog “Modern science and engineering with Ivan Stepanyan”