“Druzhba” US-2, US-2M is a professional tripod film camera designed to use standard perforated 35 mm film in accordance with GOST 4896-80. The device is designed for synchronous shooting of films in regular format, widescreen and cassettes with the dimensions and location of the image in accordance with GOST 24229-80. The massive design of the camera allows it to be used only with a heavy tripod for filming on stage and, in some cases, on location. “Druzhba” was one of the most popular movie cameras used to shoot sound scenes in most Soviet feature films.
In 1958 at the film studio. A. Dovzhenko developed the synchronous film camera “Ukraine” US-1, intended for filming in the pavilion. For a number of indicators, the design was unsuitable for mass production, and with the help of MKBK, Moskinapa and NIKFI under the leadership of V.L. Trusko, V.V. Alekseev and V.N. Matison, the camera was modernized, receiving the Druzhba apparatus, the production of which has been established since 1961. The low noise level of 28 dBA made it possible to carry out synchronous filming with recording of the final phonogram both in the pavilion and on location using the classical method of sound recording on film or perforated magnetic tape, synchronized by the common power supply of the electric motors of the sound recording device and camera from a single-phase alternating current network. The technology of such sound recording, which was dominant until the end of the 1970s, made it possible to use this type of camera without additional boxes and soundproof glass in front of the lens.
A further development of the design was the Druzhba US-2M film camera, and later the US-3 Soyuz, equipped with a television and included in the film and television complex for multi-camera filming. The first television set in the USSR was used during the filming of the film “White Sun of the Desert” with a “Druzhba-T” camera equipped with a black-and-white transmitting tube that selected 80% of the light from the optical path of the viewfinder. Recording the video signal with a stationary video recorder “KMZI-6” made it possible to evaluate the quality of each take immediately after shooting. With the advent of a new class of lightweight film cameras in the early 1980s, suitable for synchronous shooting and at the same time mobile, heavy synchronous cameras of this type fell out of use.
The device is equipped with a low-noise, double-sided four-tooth grab mechanism with a movable counter-grab, which ensures a high degree of stability of the film in the frame window and accuracy of movement per frame step. The movement of film in the tape mechanism is carried out both in forward and reverse directions using a combined gear drum. The device is equipped with an external double-type cassette with a capacity of 300 meters of film, allowing continuous shooting of sound scenes for 10 minutes, that is, the maximum allowable footage of one part. The drive from a synchronous electric motor is equipped with a gearbox with a gear ratio of 25/24, and allows shooting at a single frequency of 24 frames per second when powered from an alternating current network with a frequency of 50 Hz.
A single-blade mirror shutter with a variable opening angle of 0-170° is equipped with a semi-automatic device for smoothly changing the angle. This made it possible to remove “darkening” and carry out an editing transition “in dissolve” directly in the camera, and not during printing. The parallax-free end-to-end viewfinder allows you to observe the image of the photographed object on frosted glass through a magnifying glass with a magnification of 5.5×. When shooting wide-screen films, a special disanamorphic magnifying glass is used, which gives an undistorted image. In addition to the end-to-end viewfinder, the device is equipped with an attached telescopic viewfinder with mechanical parallax compensation, used when shooting from a moving camera (a camera dolly or a crane).
For filming, interchangeable anamorphic or axially symmetric film lenses, as well as zoom lenses, are used. To protect against side light, the device is equipped with a built-in rectangular compendium. For ease of installation in the case of multi-camera shooting, there is a device for imprinting starting marks and editing numbers onto the film. At low temperatures, the autonomous electrical heating system of the mechanism is activated.
Assembly: Москинап (Moscow, USSR)
Years of production: 1960—1974
Length: 770 mm
Width: 610 mm
Height: 600 mm
Film width: 35 mm
Filming rate: 24 frames per second
Cassette type and capacity: external double (300 meters)
Weight: 73 kg
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