The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (Crue Universidades Españolas) has recently published a new edition of its report “The Spanish University in Figueres (UEC)”, with information on the 2019-2020 academic year.
In its section on “Positioning of the scientific activity of the universities of the Spanish University System (SUE)”, the study points out that “Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) has the strongest quality indicators”, together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Catalonia) and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
The document, which includes a total of seven chapters, provides a detailed analysis of the impact of the pandemic on university activity and a comprehensive diagnosis of the SUE, supported by more than 200 data tables on supply and demand, performance of university training, employability and quality of employment, quality of research, contribution to the competitive innovation of the productive system, and university funding and spending.
UPF tops several indicators regarding R&D&I
In the table of data and indicators of research, development and innovation activity (R&D&I) of public and private Spanish universities, UPF clearly leads the category of annual average R&D&I funds obtained per permanent lecturer during the period 2010-2021, with 60,794 euros.
Another indicator in which Pompeu Fabra also stands out is the annual average number of doctoral theses read per permanent lecturer during the period 2010-2019, with a score of 0.4, for which UPF shares first place with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Moreover, UPF ranks second for average annual scientific output per permanent lecturer, with 2.6%, and for the percentage of publications in the Top 3 journals in each scientific field, with 13%. Regarding the percentage of publications in the first quartile in scientific journals, with 59% UPF comes in fourth position (in all cases, the reference period is 2010-2019).
A study on all the vectors that make up the Spanish University System
The Spanish University in Figueres (UEC), whose latest (13th) edition is directed by Juan Hernández Armenteros (University of Jaén, Andalusia) and José Antonio Pérez García (Polytechnic University of Valencia), is the result of the annual analysis of the information provided to CRUE by universities, which covers practically all the fundamental vectors of the Spanish university system, and seeks to present an evidence-based vision of the conditions, activity and results offered by the SUE to Spanish society.
The aim of UEC, on this occasion, is threefold: to provide information to the institutions for the internal knowledge of each university, which is useful for comparing institutional, academic and management activities and results with the rest of the University System of Spain; to dynamically analyse the evolution of the demand, supply, resources and results of the SUE compared to previous editions of this report, as well as with other available national and international data, and finally, to provide a rigorous information base that supports the principle of institutional transparency and accountability of universities with society.
See also TOP universities of Spain