Torazu and its rural architecture

Torazu (Sp. Torazo) is a parish that belongs to the municipality of Cabranes, in the Principality of Asturias, Spain.

Since 2016 the city has been a part of the network The most beautiful towns in Spain.


The town is characterized by traditional rural architecture with old granaries. Cultural traditions include: the bonfire of San Juan, Christmas, Easter and the Palm Sunday procession, considered the largest in Asturias.

This parish has been awarded the 2008 Exemplary People of Asturias Award, awarded by the Prince of Asturias Foundation.

How to get to?

From Oviedo 45 min (50.6 km) via A-64 and N-634

From Gijón 37 min (41.5 km) via A-8 and AS-255

From Madrid 4 hr 47 min (481 km) via A-6

Main information

Area: 8 km²

Coordinates: 43°23′42″N 5°23′57″W

Population: 247

Languages: Spanish, Asturian

Currency: Euro

Visa: Schengen

Time: Central European UTC +1

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