This winter season the roads of Andorra (Pyrenees) have needed 6,861 tons of salt. The area of conservation and exploitation of roads have needed 6.861 tons of salt, a record figure since 2002. “It has been an atypical year”, says Jordi Garcia, head of the area of conservation and exploitation of roads. He remembers a meter and twenty centimeters of snow in the port d’Envalira a real rarity.
The hardship can be explained by the consistency of the snowfalls most of which occurred on the weekends when COEX (Conservació i Explotació de Carreteres) workers have to be more vigilant since more tourists arrive.
Jordi Garcia explains that 20 out of 24 weekends had snowfalls “we were always on the road” he insists.
The record since then was in 2009-10 using 6,147 tons of salt.
See also How to het to Andorra
See also Andorra travel guide