The Winter Canal (Зимняя канавка) is a canal in the Central District of St. Petersburg, connecting the Neva and the Moyka near the Winter Palace.
The canal was dug in 1718–19. It is only 228 metres long, which makes it one of the shortest canals in the city. The width is about 20 metres.
The granite embankment was built in 1782–84, and railings designed by sculptor I.F.Dunker were added at the same time. The special picturesqueness to the canal is added by the arch connecting Old Hermitage and Hermitage Theater, built by architect Yury Felten next to the Hermitage Bridge.
There are three bridges across Winter Canal:
Hermitage Bridge (along Palace Embankment)
First Winter Bridge (along Millionnaya Street)
Second Winter Bridge (along Moyka River Embankment).