Across Spain, the number of jobless workers in the country is 2,924,240. The unemployment increased by 40,428 people compared with July, 1.4% more.
Unemployment rose in Catalonia in August for the second month in a row, with 9,554 new jobseekers, 2.8% more than in July.
In August there were 350,945 unemployed workers registered with the social security system, according to data released on Friday by the Spanish ministry of labor.
Despite the uptick, there are 40,183 fewer people looking for a job since twelve months before, 20.1% less. The figure for August 2022 is the lowest in the eighth month of the year since 2008, that is, the financial crisis.
The number of people unemployed in the jobseekers’ office traditionally goes up in August with figures similar to that of this year. Since 2005, last year was the only one when the figure dropped between July and August (-4.2%), considering a much higher tourism activity compared to summer 2020.
Also, the number of people registered in social security dropped by 57,768 last month compared to the previous one (-1.58%).