The minimum salary in Andorra from 2022 is 1,157.87 euros per month

According to the new law on labor relations in Andorra (Pyrenees), the minimum salary from 1 January 2022 for any employee over 15 years of age is:

Age Over 15 years
Hourly wage 6,68 €
Daily wage 53,44 €
Monthly wage 1.157,87 €
Hours per day 8
Hours per week 40
Holidays 30

The minors under the age of 15 may not engage in any work activity during the school period and may only work during school holidays for up to a maximum of two months in a calendar year, provided they have at least one month of school holidays in the summer and half of the school holidays the rest of the year.

All violations regarding wages and working hours will be punished in accordance with the provisions of articles 158, 159 and 160 of Law 31/2018 of December 6 on labor relations.

See also business guide in Andorra

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