The French telephone from 1940 from La Compagnie générale de constructions téléphoniques (CGCT)

The French telephone from 1940 from La Compagnie générale de constructions téléphoniques (CGCT).

The General Telephone Construction Company (CGCT) is a former French subsidiary of the American group ITT invested in the field of telephone exchanges.

The Thomson-Houston Telephone Company (CTTH), created in 1915 as a subsidiary of Compagnie Française Thomson-Houston (CFTH) was sold to the American holding company ITT in 1926, and then took the name of Compagnie générale de constructions telephone (CGCT).

The CGCT coexisted with the other subsidiary of ITT Le Matériaux Téléphonique (LMT) until nationalization following the election of François Mitterrand as President of the Republic in 1981.

In 1986, it was privatized and its assets were divided between Alcatel-Thomson and Matra.

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