The French steam omnibus Scotte from 1892, eight passengers
The Société des Chaudières et Voitures à Vapeur système Scotte was a French manufacturer of steam-powered commercial vehicles.
J. Scotte from Épernay had been building steam carriages since the 1880s. A correspondence with Trépardoux & Cie. in Puteaux (later De Dion-Bouton) from 1886. He made at least two steam cars between 1892 and 1893. One example was built as an open wagonette for a private customer, another, created in 1892, was designated as a bus for six people. With this Scotte took part in the Paris-Rouen race in 1894, officially the first automobile race in sports history. This Scotte steam car has been preserved.
Around 1893 Scotte founded the Société des Chaudières et Voitures à Vapeur in Paris at 56 rue de Provence and began to manufacture boilers and steam wagons, although it seems that with the latter he relied entirely on commercial vehicles and no longer built private cars. The brand name was Scotte.