The French Magnat – Debon 2HP 3/4 from 1911, one cylinder, 330 cc, 70 km/h

The company Magnat Debon was created in Grenoble (France) in 1893 and markets motorcycles and bicycles.

Magnat Debon appears among producers’ big marks of bicycles. Magnat Debon innovates in the domain of the multiple gear bicycles. It participates in the famous “Concours de Bicyclettes de Tourisme” organized by Touring Club de France at the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1905, at the same contest, Magnat Debon wins a gold medal with a bicycle witch has three speeds placed in a crank-gear box in the crankset. This bicycle with crank-gear box will have success and will remain a long time in the catalogue of the mark although this system imposes a special frame.

Following the First World War Magnat Debon, like other marks (Terrot for example), is in a difficult situation because it undergoes the economic collapse of the country, and because of the death of the principals managers. The market of the motor cycle has an important regression and the sales of bicycles are not enough.

At the beginning of the years 1920, Magnat Debon and Terrot are purchased, amalgamated and work in commercial partnership with Peugeot.

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