The Council of Ministers of Andorra has approved an extension of the expenditure of 16,028,188.78 euros

The Council of Ministers of Andorra (Pyrenees) has approved an extension of the expenditure of 16,028,188.78 euros to meet aid payments to those temporarily laid off or working reduced hours. This sum refers to aid already paid to employees and self-employed workers in June, as well as the forecast for the months of July, August and September. This money is funded between the state and the companies themselves to guarantee a worker salary of at least 1,083 euros.

There has been a “significant drop” in requests for aid in the last month. In total 17,726 requests have been made since April, 97.5% of which have been resolved favourably. The sector with the highest number of applications is catering and personal services.

The overall number of applicants in the Andorra Employment Service (SOA) at the end of July was 1,061, a decrease of 27.12% compared to June.

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