Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 17.03.2018 60 inch (310 mm) Prussian mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 05.03.2018 120 mm UB M52: Yugoslavian universal mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 25.09.2017 2S4 Tyulpan: Soviet 240 mm self-propelled heavy mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 21.07.2017 The jet six-barrel mortar Nebelwerfer: smoke mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 27.05.2017 Barrel of a 9-pood (394 mm) siege mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 01.05.2017 The self-propelled mortar Tulip 2S4 of the 1972 model
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 18.03.2017 12 cm Granatwerfer 42: German mortar
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 21.11.2016 A Soviet 120 mm mortar model 43 from 1943
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 26.09.2016 A Soviet 240 mm mortar (M 240) from WW2
Artillery, missiles and rockets with James Moore / Transport and equipment 25.06.2016 The Soviet mortar M-240 (240 mm)