All Andorra news / Business and Economy 08.01.2019 Four European gambling companies have filed lawsuit against the government of Andorra for favouring Jocs SA in a recent controversial casino licensing process
All Andorra news / Business and Economy 27.06.2018 The company with 100% Andorran capital, La societat Jocs SA, won the tender for the implementation of the casino project in the Principality
All Andorra news / Society 09.06.2016 The Andorran Government approved the draft law “On amendments and additions to the Penal code” requiring tougher punishment for such crimes as attempted murder and unlawful use of the weapons
All Andorra news / Society 29.10.2014 Spanish El Mundo claims that “the mayor of Barcelona Xavier Trias conceals 12.9 mln euro on his bank accounts in Andorra”
All Andorra news / Society 13.10.2014 According to the World Bank, Andorra is one of top five OECD members in accordance to “political stability” and “the absence of criminal” criteria
All Andorra news / Society 03.08.2014 In Andorra in the bank accounts of the former President of Catalonia Jordi Pujol could be kept more than 500 million euro, claims the Spanish police