Andorra (Pyrenees) celebrates Sant Antoni by preparing 3500 national dish servings escudella on 17th, January. 14 restaurants in Andorra la Vella will take part in this gastronomic tradition and offer complete meal with traditional desserts, tea and coffee (symbolic price).
The event starts at Guillemó place, at 13.00. This year Andorra celebrates its holiday destination for the 48th time. The ingredients for 3500 servings of escudella: 120 kg of sausages, 60 kg of beef, 50 kg of chicken meat, 100 kg of meatballs, 200 kg of potatoes, 30 kg of rice and noodles, 40 kg of leeks and celery, 20 kg of beans and chickpea, 30 kg of carrots, 65 kg of cabbage and 40 kg of pumpkin. It’s needed 1,400 liters of water to prepare the soup.
Red wine (140 liters) with 100 kg of brown bread serves the process.
Price dishes – 7 euros.
See also Andorra cuisine
See also Catalan cuisine