Project 301 (Vladimir Ilyich): touristic passenger ship

Project 301 (BiFa 125М)

Andrei Rublev (code: М-11-2593) in Moscow (Russia)

“Vladimir Ilyich” is a type of four-deck motor ships that were built at the VEB Elbewerft Boizenburg/Rosslau shipyard in Boizenburg (GDR) between 1974 and 1983. They are also known as Project 301 and BiFa 125M – after the name of the lead ship of this series.

A total of 22 such ships were built for the shipping companies of the USSR. They were ordered for the North-West, Volga, Moscow, White Sea-Onega, Volga-Don, Kama and Amur Shipping Companies of Russia, as well as for the Ukrainian Dnieper Shipping Company.


These large passenger ships, designed for river cruises, were the first mass series of such ships in the USSR. They could accommodate up to 360 passengers and were equipped with single, double and triple cabins with air conditioning and individual bathrooms. The cabins also had sliding walls and a roof, which allowed them to be turned into a restaurant, cafe, salon or cinema.

The ships can only sail on water basins of category “O”. This means that they have the right to sail on Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega, but only if the wave height does not exceed 2.5 meters.

Names of the ships in chronological order (a few ships were renamed):

Proyekt 301 I

  1. Владимир Ильич / Санкт-Петербург (Vladimir Ilyich / Saint-Petersburg)
  2. Мария Ульянова / Петергоф / Викинг Рюрик (Maria Ulyanova / Petergof / Viking Rurik)
  3. Евгений Вучетич / Маленький Принц (Yevgeny Vuchetich / Little Prince)
  4. Советская Украина / Константин Коротков (Sovetskaya Ukraina / Konstantin Korotkov)
  5. Тихий Дон (Tikhiy Don)
  6. XXV съезд КПСС / Леся Украинка / Петр Чайковский / Огни большого города (XXV Syezd KPSS / Lesya Ukrainka / Pyotr Tchaikovsky / Bright Lights, Big City)

Proyekt 301 II

  1. Советская Россия / Нижний Новгород (Sovetskaya Rossiya / Nizhny Novgorod)
  2. 60 лет Октября / Floks (60 let Oktyabrya / Floks)
  3. Россия (Rossiya)
  4. Владимир Маяковский (Vladimir Mayakovsky)
  5. В. И. Ленин / Максим Рыльский / Михаил Булгаков (V. I. Lenin / Maksym Rylsky / Mikhail Bulgakov)
  6. Александр Ульянов / Кронштадт (Aleksandr Ulyanov / Kronstadt)
  7. Михаил Ломоносов (Mikhail Lomonosov)
  8. Константин Федин (Konstantin Fedin)
  9. 30 лет ГДР / Владимир Арсеньев (30 let GDR / Vladimir Arsenyev)
  10. Виссарион Белинский (Vissarion Belinsky)

Proyekt 301 III

  1. Советская Конституция / Николай Карамзин (Sovetskaya Konstitutsiya / Nikolay Karamzin)
  2. Николай Чернышевский (Nikolay Chernyshevsky)
  3. Николай Добролюбов / Андрей Рублев (Nikolay Dobrolyubov / Andrei Rublev)
  4. Александр Радищев (Alexander Radishchev)
  5. Александр Грибоедов (Alexander Griboyedov)
  6. Федор Достоевский (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

It’s evolution project is “Dmitry Furmanov“.

Shipyard: VEB Elbewerften Boizenburg/Roßlau (GDR) / Elbewerft Boizenburg GmbH (FRG)

Assembly: Boizenburg (GDR/FRG)

Years of production: 1974—1983

Production: 22

Length: 125,000 mm

Beam: 16,700 mm

Draft: 2760 mm

Height: 15,760 mm

Crew: 84

Passenger capacity: 360

Powerplant: 3× 6ЧРН 36/45 (ЭГ70-5) (ОАО «РУМО»)

Power: 3× 1000 HP

Max speed: 26 km/h

Displacement: 3570 t


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Read more: History of shipbuilding with Oliver Davis ...