Petrogradsky District – one of the historical parts at the mouth of the Neva, St. Petersburg.
Consists of several islands, the largest of which:
Petrogradsky Island
Hare Island
Petrovsky island
Aptekarsky Island
Krestovsky Island
Stone island
Yelagin island
Petrogradsky Island is the largest island of the Petrogradsky district. Length – 4.2 km, width – 2.5 km. The area is 6.35 km².
It is connected by the Troitsky bridge with the Central District, Exchange bridge and Tuchkov bridge – with Vasilevsky Island, Malo-Petrovsky – with Petrovsky Island, Lazarevsky and Bolshoy Krestovsky – with Krestovsky Island, Sampsonevsky bridge and Grenadiersky – with the Vyborg side.
Two main streets: Kamennoostrovsky and Bolshoy Prospekt of the Petrograd side (Bolshoy Prospekt is also on Vasilyevsky Island).
On the island there are the Leningrad Zoo, Avrora cruiser, Planetarium, Alexander Park, St. Peterburg Mosque, Artillery Museum, St. Petersburg Music Hall, Baltiysky Dom theater, the Yubileiny sports and concert complex, the Lensoviet Palace of Culture.
There are numerous monuments of architecture (including those of federal importance) – the cathedral mosque, the mansion of S. Yu. Witte, the mansion of Kshesinskaya, Tuchkov Buyan, the house of Peter I, the Prince Vladimir Cathedral, the House with Towers, the Alexander Lyceum, the architectural ensemble Austrian Square and other objects.
There are a number of well-known universities on the island: Medical University by I. P. Pavlov, ITMO, A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Peter the Great Military Space Cadet Corps and others.
Nearest metro stations: Chkalovskaya, Gorkovskaya, Petrogradskaya.