The Maly Kamenny Bridge is the second of the bridges along the Vodootvodny Canal of Moscow. It continues the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge across the Moscow river, connecting Serafimovicha and Bolshaya Polyanka streets.
The first bridge across the Vodootvodny Canal was built at this site in 1788. The wooden bridge was called Kozmodemyansky (after the church of Kozma and Damian). In 1880, a stone three-span bridge was built called the Maly Kamenny.
A modern single-span arched reinforced concrete bridge with a span of 55.2 m was built in 1938 (engineer I. N. Golbrodsky, architects K. N. Yakovlev, Yu. N. Yakovlev).
Nearest metro: Borovitskaya, Tretyakovskaya.
See also bridges and embankments of Moscow.