House of the Jesuit College in St. Petersburg

House of the Jesuit College. Address: Griboedov Canal embankment, 8 (Italian street, 1), St. Peterburg.

Architects: Ruska L.

Year built: 1801-1805

Style: Classicism.

The facade from the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal is decorated with a six-column portico, from the side of Italian Street – a colonnade of ten columns of the Ionic order.

The building borders with the State Russian Museum and Italian bridge across Griboyedov Canal.

The building was erected on a site that belonged to the Catholic Church.

Until 1815, it had housed a college of Jesuits – an educational institution of a closed type with a boarding house for the children of noble families – the Golitsyns, Vyazemskys, Stroganovs, Shuvalovs, and others.

For some time there was a home for military orphans.

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