Good conversation starters. Interesting conversation questions for everyday: art of conversation

Good conversation starters. Interesting everyday conversation questions. The art of conversation
Interesting conversation. How do you build a conversation?

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives has heard or said the phrase: “It’s not easy to start an interesting conversation.” What does it mean? Are interlocutors are not interesting to each other? There are no common topics for conversation? Are the views diametrically opposed? Someone’s ideas escape the other? Or we simply cannot understand how to build a dialogue?

So, what is an interesting conversation? It is, first of all, something useful. It does not matter whether you are doing business or having a “heart to heart” talk, the outcome of an interesting conversation is always the same – you learned new useful information, got good advice, made sure, or, on the contrary, you doubted your rightness by listening to arguments (or counter arguments).

Building a conversation is a whole art. If your goal is to get the right information, the interlocutor needs to “tune in” to the right wave, arrange it, and let it grab their attention. You need to be able to listen without interrupting and be able to ask the right questions at the right time. It is necessary to create the impression that you catch every word being said and value every judgment being made. Interest in the interlocutor or skillfully veiling disinterest will open the door to their soul and make them open their heart or head.

If you, on the contrary, want to convey information or inspire somebody, try to gently “feel the ground”, to understand the attitude of the interlocutor regarding this or that fact or event. Choose words, watch the intonation. Try to gain prestige. And always say the most important phrase at the end. As psychologists believe, a person always remembers the last phrase in each conversation.

It’s important who your interlocutor is. If you are trying to build a conversation with a girl, try to ask her questions, which are difficult to answer unequivocally “Yes” or “No”. You can talk about everything that comes to mind except for the so-called “male” themes like religion or politics. Remember, it’s not what you say, but how you say it. Look her straight in the eyes, as this creates trust. Avoid vulgar compliments. Try to smile: a healthy sense of humor is the key to success. Do not be afraid to ask questions. And do not hesitate to talk. Be original. Smile!

If you need to talk to a man, beware of stop-phrases that cause tension in the interlocutor, like: “We need to talk” or “I’ll explain everything to you now.” To talk with a man, the first words are also important. Try to interest, intrigue, imagine what you want to hear. Never seriously ask questions: “Do you love me?” or “Will you always love me?”. Men will be enraged. Behave yourself so that he tells you about his feelings. And even better – that he shows them. Words, as you know, are not proof. Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your man, stand for a moment in his shoes, look at yourself with his eyes. Provoke a dialogue – let him also ask questions. Both of the interlocutors should speak, and not be silent. Then they will understand each other better.

Finally, it’s quite another matter if you need to talk seriously with the boss or a business partner. True, such a conversation can hardly be called interesting. It’s just business. With bosses, people talk more often about problems than about mutual hobbies. However, it is through only common interests with them that it is easier to solve working problems. A boss is also a person. It is quite possible to approach a strict boss in an informal atmosphere and talk calmly – most likely, he will remember these words and will in a somewhat different perspective evaluate the work of his “problem” subordinate.

Remember that absolutely with any person, even with the most seemingly capricious and difficult character, you can find a common solution. Be sincere and always say what you want to say. Do not keep silent about problems. Do not overload information. Listen carefully. And read more good literature. The English language is rich and has more words than any other language in its vocabulary.

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