The international company Doppelmayr (headquarters in Volfurt, Austria) jointly with the division in Andorra (Pyrenees) started the second stage of construction of a ropeway in Bolivia. Within the second stage 6 new lines of city transport in the administrative capital of this country, La Paz will be built.
Construction is conducted since 2013. Already now the ropeway is the world’s largest. Now three lines work, 23 stations are open. Total length of a ropeway makes 10 km. After the termination of the second stage the extent of a routе will increase by 20 km. It will be in total put into operation of 905 cabins with a capacity of 10 passengers everyone. The rope network will connect all districts of the city. Works will be complete by 2019.
The Doppelmayr team included engineers from division of the company in Andorra. Among the most important obligations of Andorra experts — control of quality of work of systems, their ecological safety, and also technical support of the project. The CEO of Doppelmayr Andorra Julien Croses with pride declared that the decision of the authorities of Bolivia on the beginning of the second stage of construction — “proof of well done work, and also trust in general to the Doppelmayr company, including, to engineers of Andorra and their “know-how”.
See also Andorra business guide
See also Andorra company formation