The Government of Andorra approved the draft law “On amendments and additions to the Penal code” requiring tougher punishment for such crimes as attempted murder and unlawful use of the weapons. These crimes are equated to the serious crimes, and could not be sentenced conditionally.
The initiative was announced by the Minister of justice, social and internal affairs Xavier Espot after the armed attack in February this year on the police officer of the Principality.
Tougher penalties are also scheduled for the abuse of the power of bailiffs and magistrates, and other cases of the corruption. The text of the bill corresponds the international standards and GRECO recommendations (Group of States against corruption).
In addition, in order to correspond to the agreement with the European Union, the changes of legislation to protect the currency are also scheduled. In particular, the penalties for illegal import and export of currency, manufacture, transfer, sale and possession of counterfeit money will increase. The bill will be presented to the Parliament of Andorra (Pyrenees) in the nearest future.