AI System developed at the University of Barcelona to be tested in a clinical trial in UK

The National Institute of Health Research (NHIR) has funded a £1.3bn (1,54M€) clinical trial to validate an artificial intelligence system for detecting bowel polyps using an endoscopic capsule. The system, based on a deep learning model developed at the University of Barcelona (UB) in Barcelona (SpainCatalonia), is able to reduce the time needed to review images by up to 80% and it improves the accuracy of experts.

The project titled Capsule Endoscopy delivery at SCalleges through enhanced AI analysis (CESCAIL) has begun to recruit patients this November. The project is led by the University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire and the company CorporateHealth International. It has a length of one and a half years.

Capsule endoscopy is already being used in many countries for lower gastrointestinal disease investigations to deliver a range of benefits to patients and clinicians.

See also TOP universities of Spain

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