The International Club is a non-profit association registered in Andorra that seeks to welcome all international residents of Andorra, says the secretary of the organization John Pinnell

international-club-of-andorraInternational Club of Andorra

The secretary of the Club John Pinnell speaks about the organization, its main goals, history, activities and plans for the future:

“The International Club is a non-profit association registered in Andorra that actively seeks to welcome all international residents of Andorra and all those who are actively looking at Andorra as a possible residence. Its official registration number is 115/2001. Today the Club has some 550 members from many countries.

As a Club we use English as our lingua franca and, naturally, as a result, many of our members are native English speakers, and almost as many speak English as their main second language. But we welcome everybody and it is surprising how many common languages can be found when people get together over a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or a beer. At the wine tasting we held just yesterday evening (as I write this) I heard Finnish being attempted between two non Finns, Swedish with one native speaker and another not, a French conversation mainly between people who do not have French as their main language, as well as some Spanish and Catalan. However, our website, Facebook page, monthly newsletter and weekly cultural newsletter all come out in English.

Over the thirty years we have been in existence we have started and sometimes stopped many activities. In then beginning there was a very active theatre group – but over time the key players wore out and no substitutes came forward. On the other hand what started modestly as the International Singers is now rather more grandly the Cor Internacional d’Andorra with a number singers from many nationalities led by a French president and a Spanish (Catalan) director. We have two different bridge groups (I could call them the serious and the social) and it seems very likely that we will soon have a “very serious” bridge group as well. There are groups that get together to play tennis, go bowling, play snooker and billiards, ski and sail (the last of course not in Andorra). We have a very well attended group that talks about finance, economics and investment. We have a computer group. We have a number of serious patchwork enthusiasts and some keen gardeners but they seem to have stopped calling themselves formal groups. And we have a large number of followers of the 4×4 Explorers.

The Club holds a weekly coffee morning every Wednesday at the Andorra Park Hotel, in the bar set aside that morning for us from 11.00 to 13.00. That is a good place to drop in and see what we are like and start to meet people who have decided to leave their native country and come and live here”.

If you have any questions on the International Club of Andorra membership please contact us

Jan: [email protected]

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